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Adopted by the membership on February 20th, 2023



             We, the members of Cross Pointe Church, ordain and establish the following articles, to which we voluntarily submit ourselves.



Article 1 - Name and Organization


             On February 3, 1884, this church was organized under the name Dalbo Swedish Baptist Church. It was incorporated in Isanti County, Minnesota, under the name Dalbo Swedish Baptist Congregation, on May 11, 1891. On August 27, 2007, the name was changed to Cross Pointe Church. It was incorporated under Minnesota Chapter 317A on September 25, 2007.



Article 2 - Object and Purpose


             The object and purpose of Cross Pointe Church shall be the maintenance of the preaching of the Gospel, the administration of the Ordinances of the New Testament (Believer’s Baptism and the Lord’s Supper), the spiritual care and sanctification of its members, the evangelization of the world, and the conversion of people to Christ. It shall seek to attain these ends through the public worship of God, the preaching and teaching of the Scriptures, discipleship, consistent Christian living by its members, and the practices of New Testament stewardship, evangelism, and worldwide missionary endeavors.



Article 3 - Statement of Faith


            Cross Pointe Church has adopted and embraced the Southern Baptist Convention’s statement of faith entitled “The Baptist Faith & Message 2000,” with one addition to Section VII, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In addition to our members, we invite all Christians to join us for the Lord’s Supper. Further, Cross Pointe Church is committed to the Doctrines of Grace (in the reformed faith, often summarized as the “Five Points of Calvinism”). 

            Our Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself, the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source for all who believe. For church doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline purposes, the Elder Board is Cross Pointe Church’s final interpretive authority of the Bible’s meaning and application.



Article 4 - Membership


Section 1 – Qualifications


             To qualify for membership, a person must believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. He or she must show evidence of regeneration, be baptized by immersion following his or her conversion, and wholeheartedly trust the Christian faith as revealed in the Bible. Each member must believe the teaching of Scripture as expressed in the Statement of Faith and promise to keep the commitments expressed in the Membership Covenant.


Section 2 – Application


             All applicants for admission to the membership of Cross Pointe Church shall appear before the elders for consultation and examination. After consultation and examination, the names of all applicants shall be presented to the congregation thirty days prior to a congregational vote, which vote shall take place at any public worship meeting or regular business meeting.


Section 3 – Responsibilities


             Members of the church are expected to attend its meetings, work for its growth, represent the Lord and the church in the community fittingly, and regularly contribute, according to their ability, to its work locally and abroad.

Members shall strive with God’s help to keep their Membership Covenant obligations. They shall pray for their pastor(s) and elders and assist them in carrying out the purpose of the church. They shall endeavor to preserve the unity of the church. If they find themselves irreconcilably opposed to the fundamental doctrines of this church, they shall not seek to disrupt its fellowship but quietly withdraw from its membership.


Section 4 – Church Discipline


            Any member consistently neglectful of his or her membership obligations or guilty of conduct which brings dishonor to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and so opposes the welfare of the church, shall be subject to the admonition of the elders and the discipline of the church, according to the instructions of Matthew 18 and Titus 3 and other passages of Scripture. Church discipline should ordinarily be contemplated after individual private admonition has failed. Church discipline can include admonition by the Elder Board or congregation, deposition from office, and ex-communication.

            The purpose of such discipline should be for the repentance, reconciliation, and spiritual growth of the individual disciplined (see Proverbs 15:5; 29:15; 1 Corinthians 4:14; Ephesians 6:4; 1 Timothy 3:4–5; Hebrews 12:1–11; Psalm 119:115; 141:5; Proverbs 17:10; 25:12; 27:5; Ecclesiastes 7:5; Matthew 7:26–27; 18:15–17; Luke 17:3; Acts 2:40; 1 Corinthians 5:5; Galatians 6:1–5; 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14–15; 1 Timothy 1:20; Titus 1:13–14; James 1:22);

For the instruction in righteousness and the good of other Christians, as an example to them (see Proverbs 13:20; Romans 15:14; 1 Corinthians 5:11; 15:33; Colossians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:14 [note this is written to the whole church, not just to leaders]; 1 Timothy 5:20; Titus 1:11; Hebrews 10:24–25);

For the purity of the church as a whole (see 1 Corinthians 5:6–7; 2 Corinthians 13:10; Ephesians 5:27; 2 John 10; Jude 24; Revelation 21:2);

For the good of our corporate witness to non-Christians (see Proverbs 28: 7; Matthew 5:13–16; John 13:35; Acts 5:1-14; Ephesians 5:11; 1 Timothy 3:7; 2 Peter 2:2; 1 John 3:10);

And supremely for the glory of God by reflecting His holy character (see Deuteronomy 5:11; 1 Kings 11:2; 2 Chronicles 19:2; Ezra 6: 21; Nehemiah 9:2; Isaiah 52:11; Ezekiel 36:20; Matthew 5:16; John 15:8; 18:17, 25; Romans 2:24; 15:5–6; 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1; Ephesians 1:4; 5:27; 1 Peter 2:12).


Section 5 – Termination of Membership


            Members may be removed from membership upon recommendation by the Elder Board.

            Members who have died shall be removed from the membership roll.

            Members in good standing may request a letter of recommendation to present to a different church. Members who unite with another church will be removed from the membership roll.

            Members who are found to be inactive in the church’s worship, fellowship, and ministry will be removed from the membership roll. It is the responsibility of the Elder Board to ensure that members are reminded of their duties in this respect.  

            Members whose conduct consistently or grievously contradicts the commitments outlined in the Membership Covenant may be subject to church discipline under the leadership of the Elder Board. 

            The Elder Board shall have the authority to refuse a member’s voluntary resignation or transfer of membership to another church, either to proceed with a process of church discipline or for any other biblical reason.



Article 5 - Leadership and Organization


             As a local, autonomous church, the style of government shall be elder-led and congregational (Acts 6, 15; Hebrews 13:17; 1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13). With the church’s affirmation, the pastor(s) and elders are responsible for leading, governing, and shepherding the church body.

             Upon the recommendation of the Elder Board, votes by the membership may be taken on such matters as the election and removal of officers, affirmation of new members, committee members, and messengers, affirmation of the annual church budget, changes to the Constitution and by-laws, the election of pastoral staff, any acquisition or disposition of real estate, the incurring of any indebtedness, and motions proposed by the Elder Board when deemed necessary.

             The Biblical offices of the church are elders and deacons. In addition, Cross Pointe Church recognizes the administrative offices under this Constitution of the clerk, financial secretary, treasurer, and trustee. No person shall hold an office who is not a member of this church in good standing. No minor shall be elected to office.

             The only persons that can represent Cross Pointe Church in all official and legal capacities are the members of the Elder Board.



Article 6 - Affiliations


             Inasmuch as we ascribe to the doctrinal principles held by the Southern Baptist Convention and are committed to supporting the missionary program (home, foreign, and educational) of that convention, this church shall affiliate with the Northwoods Baptist Association, the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention.

             The elders shall nominate messengers (church representatives) for election at the regular business meeting preceding the convention which said messengers are to attend. The rules of the convention shall determine the number of messengers to be elected.



Article 7 - Disposition of Church Property


             In the case of division of the church membership, the church property shall belong to those who abide by this Constitution.

              Should conditions arise when, for any reason, the church work cannot continue, the church property shall be transferred to the Northwoods Baptist Association.

              Should conditions arise when a consolidation with another church be advisable, the Elder Board shall negotiate the terms of such consolidation in so far as the property is concerned.



Article 8 - Amendments


            This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present, and voting at a business meeting, provided the amendment shall have been offered in writing at the previous business meeting and announced at church services two successive Sundays prior to such vote.









Adopted by the membership on February 20th, 2023



Article 1 – Meetings


Section 1 – Public Worship


            The stated meetings of the church for public worship shall be held Sunday morning and at other times as designated by the Elder Board. The Lord’s Supper shall be observed at least once a month.


Section 2 – Business Meetings


             In every meeting together, members shall act in a spirit of mutual trust, openness, and loving consideration, which is appropriate within the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. An elder designated by the Elder Board shall preside as moderator at all church business meetings. The Elder Board shall see that the stated meetings of the church are regularly held and that the responsible members and officers submit ministry reports.

             The annual meeting of the church shall be held at an appropriate time at the end of the fiscal year, which has been announced at regular services on two successive Sundays.

             Business meetings of the church shall be held at least once each quarter, at an appropriate time following the close of the quarter, which has been announced at church services on two successive Sundays.

             Special business meetings of the church may be held when the need arises. The Elder Board may call such meetings. Ordinarily, a special meeting will be called with at least two weeks’ notice by announcement at regular Sunday services. No special meeting shall be called with fewer than forty-eight hours’ notice.


Section 3 – Quorum


             Provided all constitutional provisions for notification have been met, a quorum shall be understood to be met by those members present at the meeting. All votes shall be tallied based on the number of votes cast by members present. In the case of removing an Elder from office, see Article 3, Section 4 of the by-laws. Members must be eighteen years of age to be eligible to vote.



Article 2 - Officers


Section 1 – Officers


            Per Minnesota Chapter 317A, the offices of this church shall consist of the president and treasurer. The senior pastor shall hold the office of president. Other offices shall be elder, associate pastor, deacon, financial secretary, clerk, and trustee. The president and elders shall constitute the Elder Board. The Elder Board shall represent Cross Pointe Church in all official capacities and on all legal matters.


Section 2 - Elders


            The Elder Board shall be comprised of not less than three men who satisfy the qualifications for the office of elder set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. The elders shall oversee the ministry, resources, and direction of the church. In keeping with the principles set forth in Acts 6:1-6 and 1 Peter 5:1-4, the elders shall devote their time to prayer, the ministry of the Word (by teaching and encouraging sound doctrine), and shepherding God’s flock. The church shall affirm men gifted and willing to serve in this calling in accordance with the provisions on elections in Article 3, Section 1 of the by-laws. These men shall be received as gifts of Christ to His church and set apart as elders.

            The elders shall take particular responsibility to examine and instruct prospective members, examine and recommend all prospective candidates for offices and positions, oversee the work of the deacons and appointed church agents and committees, conduct worship services, administer the ordinances of baptism and communion, equip the membership for the work of the ministry, encourage sound doctrine and practice, admonish and correct error, oversee the process of church discipline, coordinate and promote the ministries of the church, and mobilize the church for world missions.

            Further, the elders should ensure that all who minister the Word to the congregation, including outside speakers, affirm our fundamental gospel convictions and do not teach our church anything contrary to the Statement of Faith. The elders may establish ministry positions or committees to assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities. The membership shall affirm all candidates nominated by the Elder Board to fill the roles of senior and associate pastor. The Elder Board shall approve the scope and job descriptions for staff positions.

            Each year the Elder Board, after consultation with the ministry leaders, shall present to the church an itemized budget. This budget shall be presented for discussion at a regular or specially called budget meeting and called up for a vote at the annual meeting. No money shall be solicited by or on behalf of the church or any of its ministries without the approval of the Elder Board.


Section 3 – Senior Pastor


            The senior pastor is an elder and must meet the requirements of elders, as stated above. As the senior pastor, he is first among equals. He shall perform all the Scriptural duties of his office and, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God, shall have freedom of the pulpit. He shall be an ex-officio member of all church organizations, boards, groups, and committees.


Section 4 – Associate Pastors


            The Elder Board may call additional pastors whose relationship to the senior pastor is that of an associate. He may hold various titles (e.g., worship pastor, administrative pastor, youth pastor.) An associate pastor shall be an elder. He must meet the requirements and perform the duties of an elder as described above. He shall assist the senior pastor in the performance of his regular duties. He shall perform any other duties as usually pertain to the office of pastor, or as outlined in the Constitution, or which may be specifically assigned to him by the Elder Board. In the absence or incapacity of the senior pastor for defined periods of time (such as sabbatical or illness), the associate pastor(s) shall assume responsibility for his duties under the oversight of the elders.


Section 5 – Deacons


            The qualifications for deacons are set forth in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. Deacons shall perform assigned duties to meet practical needs within the church, ensuring that the elders are free to focus on prayer, the ministry of the Word, and oversight of the church. Deacons are responsible for performing specific duties, do not meet as a board, and are under the oversight of the Elder Board. The number of deacons is variable, and new positions shall be added or subtracted as fits the needs of the church.


Section 6 – Treasurer and Financial Secretary


            The treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all monies deposited in the bank by the financial secretary and shall make payment of all obligations incurred by the church drawn on such account.

            The financial secretary shall keep an accurate account of all the monies received and deposit the same in the name of the church in a bank as directed by the church. The secretary shall provide the contributors at least once a year with a record of their contributions as requested.

            Both financial secretary and treasurer shall make detailed accounts and reports of the financial transactions of their offices at each regular business meeting and the annual meeting of the church. Their books are subject to audit at the close of each fiscal year, and the auditor’s report shall be presented at the Annual Business Meeting. If deemed necessary, the elders may call for an audit of all books at any time.


Section 7 – Clerk


            The clerk shall record and keep the minutes of all church business meetings.


Section 8 – Trustees


            The Trustees shall be responsible for the care and maintenance of the church property and arrange for all needed repairs as approved by the Elder Board.



Article 3 - Elections


Section 1 – Elections


             The election of officers shall be held at the Annual Business Meeting of the church. Names of nominees to serve as officers shall be presented by the Elder Board thirty days prior to the annual meeting by announcement at Sunday morning services. The Elder Board should seek recommendations and involvement from the general membership in the nomination process. Any member with reason to believe that a nominated candidate is unqualified for an office should express such concern to the elders. Members intending to speak in opposition to a candidate should express their objection to the elders as far in advance as possible before the relevant business meeting.

             The moderator shall declare elected all men receiving a two-thirds majority of all votes cast for the office of elder. For all other offices, the moderator shall declare elected all persons receiving a simple majority of all votes cast; abstentions will not be considered votes cast. Officers shall be elected by private ballot.


Section 2 – Calling a Senior or Preaching Pastor


             In the calling of any man to the senior pastor position, the same process of calling an elder must be followed. In addition, however, the church must be given adequate opportunity to assess the preaching gifts of any potential senior pastor or preaching pastor. Before being asked to express its judgment, the church must receive assurance from the elders that, having interviewed the man concerned, they are in no doubt as to his wholehearted assent to the Statement of Faith and the Doctrines of Grace of the reformed faith, often summarized as the “Five Points of Calvinism.” He (and his wife if he is married) shall sign the church Membership Covenant, signifying his commitment to the church and his wholehearted assent to the Statement of Faith and the Doctrines of Grace. Notice of the nomination of a man to be called as the senior pastor must be given thirty days prior to the vote at any business meeting.


Section 3 – Terms of Office


             Officers, committee members, and messengers appointed by the Elder Board shall be elected for a term of one year. They may be re-elected upon the recommendation of the Elder Board. Elders, however, shall be elected for a term of three years, staggered by one-third of their number, and may be re-elected upon the recommendation of the Elder Board. Pastor(s) and staff shall serve for an indefinite period. Elected persons shall assume their respective offices upon election unless another date has been specifically designated.


Section 4 – Removal of Officers


            An officer shall be presumed to have vacated his office if he ceases to be an active member. An officer may also vacate his or her office by resignation. Any member(s) with reason to believe that an officer should be dismissed should express, in writing, such concern to the Elder Board. Any such action shall be done in accordance with the instructions of our Lord in Matthew 18:15-17 and, in the case of an elder, 1 Timothy 5:17-21, which requires two or more to bring a grievance. A two-thirds vote of the members present may dismiss any officer at any church business meeting. In the case of an elder, one-third of the total church membership must be present at the meeting.


Section 5 – Vacancies


             Vacancies in any office may be filled immediately for the unexpired term. Names of nominees to finish the term shall be presented by the elders thirty days prior to the next regular or special business meeting by announcement at the Sunday morning service. The moderator shall declare elected all persons receiving a simple majority of all votes cast; abstentions will not be considered votes cast. The persons elected shall assume their respective office upon election unless another date has been specifically designated.



Article 4 – Societies and Committees


Section 1 - Societies


            No organization shall be formed or considered a part of the church activities before its sponsors have submitted their plans to the Elder Board for sanction and approval. The various organizations are requested to confer with the Elder Board annually at a minimum regarding their programs and activities, and all matters that affect the church shall be submitted to the Elder Board for approval. The designated leader of any church-sponsored organization must be a member of the church and in good standing.


Section 2 – Committees


            All committees shall be appointed, as required, at any church business meeting. Members of said committee shall be nominated by the elder board and elected by the church. Committee members shall serve a term of one year and may be re-elected upon recommendation of the elders. 


Section 3 - Children’s Education Committee  


            The Children’s Education Committee shall have the power and duties as follows: to develop a well-rounded children’s education program and, in so doing, to take into account the total need of all age groups from infants to high school seniors within the church; to research and propose curriculums to the Elder Board for approval; to provide any additional materials and visual aids necessary for the education of the children of the church; to identify and recommend to the Elder Board any member to fill positions within the Children’s Ministry; to plan and promote the special and seasonal emphases in the field of Children’s Education (e.g., Vacation Bible School).



Article 5 – Amendments


            These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present, and voting at a business meeting, provided the amendment shall have been announced at church services two successive Sundays prior to such vote.

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